Hydrogen peroxide: dilution instructions

Diluting hydrogen peroxide
You need to buy only Food grade or USP grade hyrogen peroxide.

Usually it comes in a 35% solution e.g. Gaia brand in South Africa, for more information on this subject, please go here.

Dilute as follows:

6% solution: mix 2 part 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide with 11 parts distilled water. Ratio is 1 to 5.5.

3% solution: mix 1 part of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide with 11 parts distilled water. Ratio is 1 to 11.


Additional Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide[Source] Note: 1 oz. = 30ml

1 pint = 2 cups

1 gallon = 16 cups (3500ml)

In the Kitchen

Dishwasher: Add 2 oz. of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to your regular Washing Formula. Your Glasses will really sparkle!

Kitchen: Keep a Spray Bottle of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in the Kitchen. Use it to wipe OFF Counter Tops and Appliances. It disinfects and gives the kitchen a FRESH smell. Works GREAT inside the Refrigerator and on Formica Desk Tops.

Salad (Leftover): Put 1 Tbsp. of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in 1/2 cup of Water and spray the top of the salad with the Solution before covering and refrigerating.

Sprouting Seeds: Add 1 ounce of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide into 1 pint of Water and soak the seeds overnight. Add the SAME amount of Hydrogen Peroxide each time you rinse the Seeds. Some people have reported 3/4 inch Sprouts in 24 hours.

Vegetable Soak: (CLOROX sub.): Add 1/4 cup of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide into a gallon of Cold Water. Soak light Vegetables (Lettuce, etc.) 20 minutes, thicker skinned Vegetables (like Cucumbers) for 30 minutes. Drain and dry, (they keep LONGER too). If time is a Problem, you can spray the Vegetables with straight 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, let stand for a couple of minutes, rinse and dry.


In the Bathroom

Athlete’s Foot: Soak Feet nightly in 3% Hydrogen Peroxide.

Bathtub: Add 1/2 to 1 pint of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide to a FULL Bathtub for a DETOXIFYING Bath.NOTE: Try NOT to use this after 6-7 P.M. as the INCREASED Oxygen absorption may keep you AWAKE.

Colonic: Put 1 pint 3% of Hydrogen Peroxide into 5 gallons of Water. Start with 1/2 pint and gradually INCREASE the Dosage to 1 pint.

Douche: Put 3-6 Tablespoons of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide into 1 quart of Water.

Enema: Put 3-6 Tablespoons of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide into 1 quart of Water.

Face: Use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide on a Cotton Ball as a Facial Freshener, after washing.

Foot Soak: Soak Feet in Solution of 1 1/2 oz. of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide to 1 gallon of Water.

Mouth: Use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide as a Mouthwash. Add a dash of Liquid Chlorophyll for flavouring if desired. [Assuming you mouth has had its mercury amalgams removed!]

Shower: Keep a Spray Bottle of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in the Shower. Spray your Body after washing to replace the Acid Mantle on your Skin that Soap REMOVES.

Teeth: Use Baking Soda and add enough 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to make a Toothpaste. Or, just dip your Brush in 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and brush. [Assuming you mouth has had its mercury amalgams removed!]

Toilet: Spray Toilet Paper with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide before using.

Other Uses

First Aid: Spray a 3% Hydrogen Peroxide Solution DIRECTLY and LIBERALLY on Abrasions, Cuts, Open Injuries and/or Wounds as a Disinfectant.

Humidifiers/Steamers: Use 1 pint of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to 1 gallon of Water. This Solution will HELP to KEEP them CLEAN also.

Plants & Flowers: Put 1 oz. of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in 1 quart of Water. Water or mist Plants with this Solution.

Insecticide Spray: Put 8 ounces White Sugar, and 4 – 8 ounces 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in 1 gallon of Water.

Washing/Laundry: Add 8 oz. of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to your wash instead of Bleaches that have Fumes.

Water (Disinfectant): Put 5-10 Dropperfuls (150-300 Drops) of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide in 1 Gallon, if Water is VERY CONTAMINATED!