Dental Aftercare programme

This is one of the most important aspects of dental work. Dentists are educated in dental school about the importance of avoiding of food post-extraction (but few educate their patients). The dental aftercare program is invaluable in preventing infection and ensuring good healing. A couple of points we have learned:
  • Dr Clark’s program intended for people undergoing extensive dental work during one session. Usually an advanced cancer patient will undergo the full dental revision in the first few days at her clinic. That means several extractions and cavitations cleaned. For this reason the aftercare program seems quite radical to prevent infection, mostly from food.
  • After the extraction, bite on the cotton wool. We have found that removing the cotton wool about 10 minutes after extraction and exposing the clot to air helps the blood clot set. It seems that leaving it in too long can cause the clot to adhere to the cotton wool and cause it to dislodge. Ask for some extra cotton wool for later however in case excessive bleeding occurs – dip it in some dilute dental bleach first. Then go home and hot pack asap.
  • We have noted that several people have developed dry sockets through over-eager rinsing, so if you are having an extraction we suggest that you only gently ‘swish’ some dental bleach on the day of the extraction, once just before you go to bed. Simply run the antiseptic over the wound, don’t ‘rinse’, so you avoid dislodging the clot. The following day you can rinse a little more vigorously, and the day after that even more, according to the program below.
  • You should have little or no pain. The common misconception about extractions is that they hurt. This usually happens when you use ice packs and create infections through eating, or the dental ligament is not properly removed. Ask for some pain killers for the first night just in case. If throbbing or consistent pain develops during the next few days then there is a problem, and the socket should be re-cleaned, and do not hesitate to have it redone.
  • If you don’t have an ozonator, or zappicator make use of the HCL to steralise your food.
  • We find that UltraClear Sustain by Metagenics, is a wonderful medical food to support missed meals and provide much needed nutrients during the dental aftercare. Get 2 bottles of it.
  • Do the best you can within your limitations!
  • In summary the basics that you’ll need for your dental appointment are:

Dr Clark’s dental aftercare program

One of the purposes of doing this dental clean up is to kill Clostridium bacteria that have invaded the crevices under tooth fillings. From here they colonize the rest of your body: Evidence for this may already be in your blood test results: a low uric acid level. This is associated with Clostridium invasions.
Extractions do not automatically clear up infections, though. And antibiotics cannot be relied on either. So a very vigorous program is needed to clear up infection even after the infected teeth are pulled. Deep wounds such as the base of the new socket is exactly where Clostridium bacteria prefer to be. This Dental Aftercare program is successful in killing Clostridium.
Copy the next few pages and carry them with you to the dental office. Your friend could review them while you wait.
You will need:

  • a water pick
  • hot water, towels
  • pure salt (see Sources)
  • Dental Bleach, USP (see Sources)
  • one or two        stainless steel strainers for food preparation

Purchase these before your dental appointment. Practice using the water pick beforehand, too.
The immune power of your arterial blood is much greater than in your veins. How can you bring arterial blood into the jaw area to heal it faster after dental work? Simply by hot-packing it from the start!

The first day of dental work is critical. If you miss this, a massive spread of infection can occur because the mouth is always a “den of bacteria”, and your own tooth infection is itself the source.

Just before leaving the dentist’s office, as soon as you are out of the chair, rinse with Dental Bleach. Then again, as soon as you get home. Next, swish your mouth gently with a cup of warm water. Keep the cotton plug in place for you to bite down on and reduce bleeding, even while swishing. Don’t suction the water forcefully around your mouth.
At the same time apply a hot towel to the outside of your face where the dental work was done. Wring a washcloth out of the hottest water you can endure, trying it out at a place that is not anesthetized first. Otherwise you might accidentally burn yourself. Or fill a plastic bag
halfway with hot water, zipping it shut securely and enclosing it in a second plastic bag. Do this for 30 minutes, 4 times a day and every time you feel pain for a few days. Then 3 times a day for a week-even when there is no pain.
Don’t suck liquids through a straw for 24 hours; the sucking force could dislodge the healing clot. Don’t allow your tongue to suck the wound site, either; and don’t put fingers in your mouth.
As the anesthetic wears off there will be very little pain. But you could introduce bacteria yourself, by eating, or by putting fingers into your mouth. Consider your mouth a surgery site, off limits to everything! But the mouth cannot be bandaged and you must eat! To be successful, eat a big meal just before your dental appointment. Then drink nothing but water later on, the day of extractions. You may need a painkiller on the first night; choose a non-aspirin variety to minimize bleeding.
Bleeding should have reduced considerably by bedtime. The cotton plug put in your mouth by the dentist may be thrown away. If you need another one, make it yourself out of a tightly rolled paper towel the shape and size of a finger. Rinse it several times with pure water by squeezing it. Rinse your mouth with Dental Bleach once more before bed.

Dental Day Two

The next day (the day after your surgery) you need to be well fed, yet eat no solids, or liquids with particles in them. The particles easily lodge in your wound. Your choices are:

  1. Beef broth, strained, with HCl drops added.
  2. Herb teas, sweetened, strained, with HCl drops added. 3. Fruit or vegetable juice, strained, with HCl drops added.
  3. Puddings made of starch or flour, thinned with fruit juice to be drinkable, with HCl drops added.
  4. Cream shakes made with heavy whipping cream (and other beverages), with HCl drops added.

Run each through the finest strainer. All foods are ozonated, then zappicated, and given HCl drops last.
Drink through a large straw to get the food past the tooth zone. Immediately after eating, rinse your mouth with a cup of hot water to which you have added 1/2 tsp. pure salt. Do not be afraid to start some bleeding; this could be expected and is even desirable if an infection has already started. Bleeding washes bacteria outward. Water swishing never dislodges the healing clot. Only strong suction or infection dislodges it. If pain increases instead of decreases on the second day, you are already infected. Continue swishing and hot packing for one hour. Stop using sweetener. Devote the whole day to fighting this infection. If the pain subsides, the infection has been cleared. If not, you will need a more forceful stream of water. Begin using the water pick at its lowest speed setting. Water pick repeatedly until the pain clears. (It could take four hours!)
Hot pack the outside of your face just as on the first day. Even in the night, if pain strikes, hot pack it at once. If pain is subsiding on the second day, you are being successful. But the gums are not healed; you cannot take chances yet on eating solid food. Nearly all infections come from eating solid food on the second day.
Floss the remaining teeth with homemade floss, being extra gentle. For floss, cut strips of plastic shopping bags, ‘/4 inch by four inches. Clean and rinse them with very hot water. Fish line floss and toothbrush are too harsh after dental work. Clean remaining teeth by hand-rubbing, using paper towel wound around your finger and dampened, then dipped into oregano oil tooth powder (see Recipes).
Also rinse your mouth with Dental Bleach several times during the day and bedtime (at least four times).

Dental Day Three
On the third day, you may drink blended solid food; do not try to chew solids with remaining teeth.
Use your water pick now after each meal. It must be hardened first or you will get the seepage from it into your wounds and brain. Simply fill to the top with steaming hot water and let stand 1/2 hour. Repeat. Then fill the tank with hot tap water to which you have added a few drops of Lugol’s iodine, or 1 tsp. colloidal silver, or pure salt. Set it at the gentlest level at first, squirting each site gently. Floss the front teeth and finger-rub them with oregano oil tooth powder.
No matter how carefully you eat, you will see food entering the gum spaces. Notice how difficult it is to squirt out any trapped food. Swishing is not sufficient! You need
to water pick till all spaces are cleared; inspect each one. Continue hot packing. If pain returns and water picking has not succeeded in clearing it after 4 hours, you must hurry back to the dentist to search for the food particle. The wound will be opened and cleaned out for you.

Dental Bleeding
A moderate amount of bleeding is normal, even days later. Bleeding caused by water picking is not too serious. But if you sense an emergency, apply ice cubes wrapped in a paper towel or washcloth. Bite down on them till bleeding stops. Continue ice packing for 4 hours. Check your pills for aspirin. Stop taking these. After bleeding stops return to hot packing. If ice packing does not stop the bleeding, go back to the dentist or emergency room.
If you have a very low platelet count or are on a large amount of “blood thinners” which promote bleeding you need special attention. Yet, oral surgery is a very skilled profession. Dental work is safe in the surgeon’s hands. Platelets can be given just beforehand; blood thinners can be temporarily stopped; and a transfusion can be given before or immediately afterward. These same patients often state that they feel better, immediately after the dental extraction, than they can remember in months! It was the dental problem that was poisoning their platelets and their blood! It may be the last transfusion that will be needed, in spite of some unavoidable blood loss with dental extractions.
Stitches should be removed earlier for immune depressed (cancer) patients than others because they will get infected by the third day! Do not use self-digesting sutures; you need the extra dental visit to be checked.

Be Vigilant the Next Week
Continue water picking, hot packing, and rinsing your mouth with Dental Bleach after each meal until the gums are healed over. This may take five to seven days, longer for some sites. Floss and brush your front teeth once a day. If pain stays away you can take credit for killing your mouth bacteria. You may reduce the treatments to 3 times a day, then twice.
Clostridium can return even after a week of steady recovery. If you detect an odor from your mouth, at any time, it is Clostridium making a comeback, even without pain. A crumb has lodged in a wound and is decaying. Try bleaching, swishing, and water picking for half a day, till odor is completely gone. Hurry back to the dentist if the odor persists. You cannot recover with a mouth infection.
If you got through the whole ordeal without needing more than one nights’ painkiller and without needing to return to the dentist for extra clean up, give yourself excellent grades. And if you got through, in any way, still give yourself very good grades!
It is common for dentists to recommend cold packing to reduce swelling after dental work. I recommend hot packing because I consider swelling less important than infection or pain. It is also common for dentists to rely on
antibiotics to clear up infection. I find this is not sufficient. The whole Dental Aftercare program is needed.

(The Prevention of All Cancers pg.335-340 copyright