Dental bleach & Lugols iodine


The Prevention of all Cancers by Dr Hulda Clark

The Prevention of all Cancers by Dr Hulda Clark

by Dr Hulda Clark

Your Antiseptic is Best

Make your own antiseptic.
By far the best antiseptic to use during dental work is USP (NSF) chlorine bleach ; this is the kind that does not have the 5 immunity destroyers. [e.g Miltons in SA is said to be USP quality]
This excerpt describes it:
Bunyan [in The Use of Hypochlorite For The Control of Bleeding, Oral Surgery, v. 13, 1960, pp. 1026-1032] reported that rinsing with 0.2% hypochlorite solution stops postoperative bleeding within 1 minute after a tooth extraction or other oral operation. The hypochlorite solution functions also to contract and harden the blood clots and make them more resistant to infection. In addition to the effective hemostasis and the change in the character of the clot, the author reported a reduction of swelling of traumatized gingival tissues and diminution of the postoperative pain. I have found this quote to be completely correct. There is essentially no bleeding, no pain, no swelling and no return of Clostridium.DON’T USE HOUSEHOLD BLEACH because it is not safe for internal use! Obtain food-grade (USP) bleach from Sources. Purchase the same strength, (5 to 6%), as regular household bleach. Check the label. Then dilute it yourself. Use the recipe on page 572.
Bleach, whether USP or not is very caustic. You must not use it at full strength. You must dilute it 100-fold. Follow the recipe exactly.

Recipe for:
Dental Bleach

This is for use during dental work and for occasional denture cleaning. Do not use it as a regular mouthwash or as a daily denture soak. You would get too much chlorine.

The chemical name for bleach is hypochlorite. There are different grades. The grade used for laundry is not acceptable. Purchase “USP” or NSF quality from your local pool and spa store. Try to find the 5 or 6% strength you are used to. Also search the Internet for local NSF brands. If you can only find 12%, notice that it is twice as strong as you are used to! Take it to an expert chemist, like your pharmacist, to help you dilute it to 6% first. This means equal parts bleach and water.
Always add bleach to water instead of water to bleach. You will need 2 empty HDPE2 gallon jugs with screw cap lids (not snap-on), like vinegar bottles. Check the bottom for those letters. Rinse and fill each empty jug halfway with pure water first, then fill each one to the top with 12% bleach. Notice that you will get 2 gallons of 6% bleach this way, the strength you are used to.

Do not store any 12% bleach in your home-not even in the garage. It must all be changed into 6% as soon as you bring it home. Do not store the 6% bottles under your sink. Put them in your laundry room, on a very high shelf.
Although you will now be using an acceptable grade of 6% bleach this doesn’t mean you can use any quantity you want. Bleach is very caustic. It must be diluted before you can use it without harm. Please follow these directions carefully.

  • 1 tsp. (5 ml) bleach, USP grade (5-6% hypochlorite)
  • 1 pint water (500 ml)
  • Use a HDPE2 pint bottle (see Sources). Fill with pure water.
    Use a plastic teaspoon to measure and mix. The result is 0.05% hypochlorite. This is only a quarter as strong as the 0.2% solution recommended by Bunyan, but is strong enough.
    Keep out of reach of children. If accidentally swallowed, give milk to drink and see a doctor at once.
    We will name your new diluted bleach that you have just made, Dental Bleach. It is only 1 % as strong as regular bleach. Even this may be too strong for you. Try it at home first. You may dilute it further, in half. Then take it with you to the dentist, along with a safe cup. You will need 1/2 cup. Rinse your mouth with it just before you sit down in the dental chair. Never swallow it! Spit it into the receptacle. Hold your antiseptic in your lap. Later, when the dentist signals you to rinse your mouth, use your solution again. Also rinse one last time before leaving the office. The dentist will appreciate this extra care because she/he is less likely to see post-dental infection in you.

Second best would be Lugol’s iodine solution (six drops of actual Lugol’s iodine in 1/2 cup of water). This is not nearly as good. Use up the entire amount before leaving the dental office.

Third best is colloidal silver. Make your own colloidal silver solution since the commercially available ones I tested had the usual laundry bleach antiseptic.        As soon as the extractions are completed, the sockets left behind must be cleaned to remove leftover bits of tissue. This will prevent leaving a residue for bacteria to thrive on later. Then they are squirted with a dropper of diluted Lugol’s iodine solution, or straight white iodine (see Recipes page 556). If you are allergic to iodine use Dental Bleach for this, too. You must supply these.Commercial antiseptic made for the dental profession is not satisfactory. It invariably contains isopropyl alcohol besides dyes and other chemicals. These will enter your brain and tumors immediately through your new wounds. Strong salt water or straight ethyl alcohol (20%) would be better.

Dental Recipes


Hardening dentures:
Various kinds of dentures
, including colored, can be hardened using this recipe. This means that they will not seep acrylic acid, urethane, bisphenol-A, phthalates, metals, or dyes, to a detectable level. The hardening was tested with a Syncrometer by soaking dentures of various kinds and colors in water for many hours and sampling soak-water. If you will not be able to test, repeat this 3 times:

  • Heat up water in a saucepan till it just begins to steam, Turn of the heat. Place dentures in water. Cover. Let stand 1/2 hour. Remove and rinse. Repeat with fresh water.

Your mouth should have no reaction, no redness, no burning, and no odd symptoms from wearing for dentures. If symptoms from wearing occur, repeat the hardening recipe. Also repeat after every visit to the dentist even for the most minor adjustments.


Hardening Toothbrushes and Other Small Plastic Things
Buy a new toothbrush. Many new styles and brightly colored brushes have come into the marketplace. They seep large amount of plasticizer and dyes
! They are especially dangerous to children and sick persons. Harden them by dropping into steaming hot water for 1/2 hour, the same way as hardening dentures.


Oregano Oil Tooth Powder

  • 5 tsp. baking soda
  • 5 drops oregano oil.

Place ingredients in zippered plastic bag. Squish the mixture in the bag till well mixed. Store in HDPE2 closed jar or keep in the original bag. Zappicate the final product. This is a 2-month supply. Brushing daily will keep clostridium bacteria at undetectable levels. Dip dry toothbrush in powder. Oregano oil straight in your mouth could make you jump with a burning sensation. Although it does not harm you. If you get accidentally too much, chew bread and keep your tongue at the roof of your mouth.
Immediately after dental work your mouth is too sore to brush at this time. Simply rub your teeth after flossing. Wind a strip of paper towel around you finger. Dampen with a few drops of water and dip into the powder.


Denture cleaner

Dentures that acquire gray or fine-lined discoloration are growing clostridium bacteria! Kill them by brushing with Dental Bleach and letting them stand without rinsing them until the discoloration is gone.

  • Soak in Dental Bleach overnight.Don’t keep partials or dentures in your mouth at night.
  • Sonicate once a week.

Don’t keep partials or dentures in your mouth at night.


Denture Adhesive

  • 1 rounded tsp. sodium alginate
  • 2 tsp. grain alcohol (any concentration), tested for laundry bleach, isopropyl alcohol, wood alcohol
  • 1 cup water

Let mixture stand in water 4 or more hours till completely dissolved. To make it stronge,, add more alginate and wait longer. Keep notes on your favorite concentration.

(from The Prevention of All Cancers pg. 572-574 copyright)


Lugol’s Iodine Solution
It is too dangerous to buy commercially prepared solution for your internal use. It is certain to be polluted with isopropyl alcohol or wood alcohol. Make it yourself or ask you pharmacist to help you. You must see the stock bottles, not trust the pharmacist. The recipe to make 1 liter (quart) is:

  • 44gm (1 and 1/2 ounces) iodine, granular, USP
  • 88 gm (3 ounces) potassium iodide, granular, USP
  • large HDPE2 bottle with screw cap (see Sources)
  • diet scales and plastic cup and spoon.

Dissolve the potassium iodide in about a cup of water in HPDE container. Then add the iodine crystals and wait till they are all dissolved. This could take 1/2 hour with frequent shaking. Then fill to the liter mark with pure water. (Draw a permanent line here). Be careful to avoid laundry bleach water for preparation or you would pollute it yourself. Place a zippered bag, not kitchen wrap, over the top; then close tightly before storing. Keep out of sight and reach of children.
Do everything inside the kitchen sink. Wipe stains up promptly with vitamin C. The dropper bottle should be made of polyethylene with built in drop dispenser or a separate pipette (see page 444)

(from The Prevention of All Cancers pg. 555 copyright)