Alzheimer’s, dementia & memory loss

The Cure for All Diseases by Dr Hulda Clark

The Cure for All Diseases by Dr Hulda Clark

By Dr Hulda Clark

What was once a rare disease has become a household word because it now affects so many. Two new pollutants of the brain, inviting an old parasite to a location it would not normally be, is the explanation. The new pollutants are solvents that seek the brain.

Xylene and toluene are pollutants of popular beverages, decaffeinated powders and carbonated drinks. At first, the body can detoxify these but with a steady stream of solvent arriving, detoxification slows down and parasites begin to build up in the brain. Common fluke parasites which we eat in undercooked meat and perhaps get from our pets, can now reach the brain and multiply there.

Other toxins are also present, such as aluminum, mercury, freon, thallium, cadmium. Aluminum buildup is seen in all Alzheimer’s sufferers (100%). This is undoubtedly part of the true cause. Did it come before or after the parasites?

Whatever the answer, your job is clear. Remove every bit of aluminum from the food and environment. Throw out the pots, the aluminum foil, the cookie sheets, the tea ball. Throw out the kitchen salt, the pickles, the baking powder. Buy things made with baking soda (not baking powder), use a plastic salt shaker, buy salt without added aluminum. Stop using commercial soaps and lotions. Make the soap recipes in this book. Finally, tape over all aluminum handles in the bathroom and elsewhere (e.g. the walker) with masking tape. Then find a chelating doctor to help remove aluminum from the brain. Also use thioctic acid (100 mg; take 2 three times a day).

[Warning: Thioctic acid is also known as ALA. It chelates mercury from your body and brain and must NEVER, NEVER be taken if you have mercury amalgam fillings in your mouth and in high doses at first. For safe use of this supplement check here…This is an added note and not part of Dr Clark’s book]

Kill the four common flukes with the first frequency generator or zapper you can get your hands on. Prevent reinfection from meats and pets. Stop all commercial beverages, including water. The processing has left xylene and toluene in them. They are not put in intentionally. For the same reason, health food beverages are similarly polluted. Only milk is safely bought from the store. You must still sterilize it, however. Make your own fruit juices. Select beverages from the list of recipes given. Drink water from your cold water tap, filtering it with a small pure carbon filter as in a filter pitcher (see Sources).

As much as xylene and toluene are brain-seeking solvents, Shigella is a brain-seeking bacterium. The symptoms it causes are not always the same since they depend on the location of infection. Sometimes they cause tremor, sometimes loss of balance, sometimes speech problems. But they are very serious problems. Kill Shigellas every day at bedtime with your zapper. Start the Bowel Program (page 281). When improvement is lasting you know you have stopped reinfecting from your own bowel or from polluted dairy products.

Remove dental metal and use thioctic acid as a help to clear tissues of metal. Use vitamin C (3 grams) and B2 (300 mg) to assist the liver with detoxification. Use B complex (2 a day) to assist the liver generally. Avoid food molds; ergot especially has strong mental effects (see Moldy Food, page 195).

Start a kidney cleanse (page 283) as soon as you can. Follow this with a liver cleanse (page 285). Clean up environment and diet. Your beloved family member or friend with Alzheimer’s can regain her or his mental function to a considerable degree. Most important is stopping the mental deterioration before it is not reversible.

Lisa Anne Reed, 60ish, was tentatively diagnosed with Alzheimer’s 10 years ago. She needed complete care at present but was able to walk (could disappear quickly) and eat. She could occasionally say her name. Her brain had intestinal flukes and their eggs and was toxic with aluminum (cooking pots) and aluminum silicate (salt). One week later she still had the parasites because nobody could skillfully give her the parasite program. She was also toxic with benzene so reinfection was occurring. In addition she was toxic with bromine (from brominated bread?), chlorine (chlorinated water?) lithium, bismuth, vanadium, and tungsten, all known to have strong brain effects. She was also toxic with moth balls and iridium. She harbored Naegleria, another brain parasite. In another week there still were no changes due to inability to administer the treatment.

Isabelita Ufford, 77, was in a wheelchair, brought by her two daughters who took turns caring for her. She was on ClanopinTM medicine, did not try to speak and needed total care, including feeding. She had been ill about seven years. She had intestinal flukes and their stages in her brain (the cerebrum) as well as intestine. She also had isopropanol solvent, aluminum, chromate and high levels of arsenic in her body. She was given the parasite herbs plus instruction to get rid of solvents and metals but the plans could not be carried out. The parasites could not be killed without considerably more help than was available. She was a dear, sweet person. The daughters were highly motivated but were overwhelmed with the size of the task.

Beth Hamm, 60ish, arrived led by her ever-vigilant, ever-caring husband. She was started by medical doctors on EDTA chelation to remove aluminum from her brain. My tests showed aluminum, toluene, sheep liver flukes, asbestos and Shigella bacteria. The parasites and bacteria were zapped immediately and her husband began the difficult task of excluding non-sterile dairy products from the diet provided. In four days she was able to walk by herself, knowing where she was going. She could finish a short sentence and comply with directions to sit down and get up. Then she had a set back-she had acquired Salmonellas in the brain from a bit of dairy food that had slipped by his attention. She was given Lugol’s and she improved further. In ten days she was a new person; an interview of twenty minutes length did not reveal Alzheimer symptoms. Will she be able to hold on to her gains? Only if the aluminum and asbestos are removed from her home environment, his vigilance with dairy food keeps up, and she stays on a maintenance parasite program. But her husband appeared intent on her recovery. She is a person again. And there seems to be a delightful companionship.

Ruben Camberos was brought by his wife and a friend for Alzheimer’s. The first day he arrived, the intestinal flukes in his brain were found and killed. He was started on EDTA chelation. They were warned about non sterile dairy foods. His Shigella was zapped. Four days later he spoke his first meaningful sentence: it was three words long. He could pay attention to the appointment proceedings. Two days after that he was reading a newspaper. This was utterly shocking to his wife. In another three days, he could hold a conversation consisting of very short sentences. Larger ones became hopelessly garbled. He was started on ornithine (4) and valerian capsules (6) at bedtime: this produced a beautiful nights sleep (especially for his caretakers!) and his days were less agitated. There were still setbacks later but his wife was determined to get him well.

Dementias, Memory Loss

Memory loss is progressive with age but not due to aging. There are plenty of nonagenarians and centenarians with clear minds and good memories to prove that age is not the deciding factor in the dementias. Why do some people deteriorate much sooner? Could you prevent personal deterioration of mental abilities? You probably can. You will know it by noticing memory improvement. Telephone numbers that left you with no recall, unless you wrote them down, number by number, now form groups as you hear them, and you can jot them down the way you always did! This is a good sign of memory improvement. Your writing can improve. The jagged, crooked, misaligned words can be smoothly written again! You can remember things that happened earlier in the day and talk about it later, at mealtime. You can finish your thoughts in conversation.

Mental deterioration of the elderly is not as complicated as is generally believed. Although circulation and blood pressure play a role, the effect of toxins is much greater. The action of toxins is greater in age than in youth. The same polluted water and food causes disorientation in the elderly when it only gives a young person a stomach ache.

The liver’s detoxification capability may be the real issue. Indeed, the liver may age, in accordance with the calendar date. Perhaps the liver is the only truly aging organ. It may even determine your life span. The answer, then, is to stop giving it toxic substances and shortening your life span.

As the liver is less able to detoxify them, common toxins are allowed to roam the body with the circulation, doing harm to all the organs. The brain feels disoriented or dizzy; there is memory loss. At first, the liver can “catch up” its work and finally clear the toxin for excretion. But, eventually, it can’t catch up or keep up. The body, notably the brain, is bathed in toxic chemicals that interfere with its functioning. Now, the elderly person must use a cane for stability, must walk very carefully not to fall, must write everything down to remember it, calls people by their wrong names, can’t “find” the right words to speak with, can’t finish sentences, must write on a calendar to keep the days straight, starts talking to themselves to help think of things, develops tremors and unsteady gait, acquires a passive personality, loses weight, gets stooped, stops reading the newspaper.

All these signs of aging (dementias) can be reversed by simply removing the common toxins with which we are already familiar.

Of primary significance are food molds. These cause brain hemorrhages. Clean up diet, mouth, body, environment, very meticulously.

Of course, an elderly person cannot bring these changes to herself or himself. If you have a loved one with symptoms of aging, and this person is willing to cooperate with you, you can honestly promise them numerous improvements. Spend a good deal of your effort on persuasion since living longer or being healthier may not seem worth giving up a coffee and doughnut breakfast. On the other hand, they might respond to the goal of needing fewer pills, getting into their own apartment again or becoming freed from a walker.

Walter Heffern, 64, had been to various neurologists but could not find any help. He appeared to have the same kind of mental deterioration as his mother, but at a much earlier age. He couldn’t understand an ordinary conversation; he constantly spoke about winning money, walked hesitantly and had to be left undisturbed to accomplish anything-even eating and dressing. He needed a lot of care. We found he had Ascaris larvae in the brain-in the cerebrum, where you think. He also had Acanthocephala, Dipetalonema (a chicken roundworm), amoeba (Entamoeba histolytica) and Fischoedrius in the thinking part of his brain. He had been in the poultry business all his life: his mother probably shared this exposure, as well as other lifestyle habits that gave them solvents and pollutants besides parasites. He had constant ringing in his ears, this could affect hearing an ordinary conversation. He had a water softener that would have supplied a daily dose of aluminum to the brain, too. There always were dogs in the house. Perhaps the marvel is that he was no worse off, a tribute to human strength in general.