Heart & chest pain

The Cure for All Diseases by Dr Hulda Clark

The Cure for All Diseases by Dr Hulda Clark

Heart Pain

By Dr Hulda Clark

Pain over the heart region is usually quite real, even though an EKG does not find any abnormality. The most common cause is Dirofilaria, heartworm of dogs. It often begins as a pain just above the heart but spreads itself over the whole heart region. Kill it with your zapper. Parasite herbs can also be effective. If you did kill them, the pain often intensifies for a day before it leaves. Then the pain should be completely gone.
Heartworm is very easy to pick up again. If you have had heartworm, you should no longer keep a dog for a pet. Give it away.
Another heart parasite, Loa loa, is also a filarial worm and may be the causative factor. Both Dirofilaria and Loa loa can be obtained as slide specimens to use for testing yourself. Heart muscle can also be obtained as a slide specimen, but a chicken heart from the grocery store or snippets of beef heart (make sure to sample all 4 chambers) will do.
Follow up on your heart, even when no pain remains. These tiny heart parasites have stages that you may not be able to purchase in slide form and therefore can’t test for. These stages, if not killed, will become adults so a maintenance parasite killing program, herbal or electronic, is essential. Virtually all dogs have Dirofilaria in spite of monthly medicine to kill it. They pick it up immediately after their last treatment for it and can give it to you again. The only way to live safely with pets is to give them parasite killing herbs daily in the feed.
Other heart problems such as irregular beat and mitral valve prolapse can clear up along with the pain. Or they may be due to bacteria (see Heart Disease, page  318).

Slow Pulse/Syncope (Passing Out)
Mason Heckler, 30s, was a mechanic by trade and could not afford to pass out on the job. Yet, it had been happening off and on for 10 years. He had acquired high blood pressure in his teens! This was soon followed by an extremely slow pulse (50 beats/mm). No medicine worked (he had been tried on many) so he was on none. Then he got high blood pressure, it was 160/80 currently. He also had constant chest pain around the left nipple. He had heartworm and was started on the herbal parasite program. He never had a dog. In five weeks his pulse was 72; the parasite was gone. I presume his syncopes were due to sudden blood pressure changes or missing a few heart beats in a row. He began the kidney cleanse next to lower his blood pressure.

Chest Pain

When there is a tightness or just a little pain at the middle of the chest, especially under the breastbone, you may be merely having an allergic reaction. You might be feeling little spasms coming from the esophagus, and reaching up toward the throat from gallstones. You might also have HIV/AIDS disease which has a similar symptom over the sternum. So it is very important to pay attention to even a minor symptom in the chest.
Ruling out HIV disease ranks first in importance. Search for its emission at 365 KHz, or purchase a microscope slide with the dead virus on it as a test specimen (see Sources). Or purchase a set of slides representing all the stages of Fasciolopsis buskii. Without this parasite you can’t get the HIV virus. Purchase a slide of the thymus gland or make your own specimen of throat sweetbreads. Check yourself for benzene buildup in the thymus. (See Using The Syncrometer
page 462.)
If you have neither the benzene nor the parasite stages, you have no risk. Your chest distress is due to something else. Improve your air quality so that your lungs are not in distress. This includes radon, chlorine (from the bleach bottle under the sink), colognes, room fresheners as well as the usual pollutants (asbestos, arsenic, formaldehyde, fiberglass, freon).
If you feel waves of pain reaching up to your throat, you probably have a gallstone stuck in a bile duct. Epsom salts can relax that bile duct in 20 minutes. Take a tablespoon in ¾ cup water but only on an empty stomach or you may feel quite ill. Taking a large dose of valerian herb (6 to 8 capsules) may also buy you a little time by relaxing the duct. If you do get relief, you can be sure it was a spasm of some kind. The magnesium in Epsom salts relaxes spasms. I would recommend cleaning the liver (page  552) a number of times to try to dislodge the sticking gallstone. The instructions for liver cleansing advise you to kill parasites and cleanse the kidneys first. But if your throat pain is severe enough, you might just zap and go ahead with it at once.