Products – USA


Safe supplements and equipment can be ordered online from the Self Health Resource Center – Dr Clark Store (operating from the USA). Dr Clark has no commercial interest in these products at all, but has advised Dr Clark Store how to make safe supplements. They are mentioned as a reliable toxin-free and safe supplement source by Dr Clark in her books.



Apart from using Dr Clark’s protocols in your life, the only way to support her family directly is to buy her books, since Dr Clark had no commercial interest in any products sold throughout the world. Her books are a necessary resource to have on hand in order to effectively engage with her advice. Click on the picture below to be taken to her publisher’s website:


We recommend working from the  ‘The Cure for All Diseases‘ which provides a general overview of her research, as well as her most recent book, ‘The Cure and Prevention of all Cancers‘, which contains the most up to date information.