Bowel Cleanse

Duration: One Week  (or longer if it provides great benefits, or during bouts of bloating, gassiness or other bowel symptoms)


Bacteria are always at the root of bowel problems, such as pain, bloating and gassiness. They can not be killed by zapping, because the high frequency current does not penetrate the bowel contents.

The worst bowel bacteria are the Salmonellas, Shigellas, and E.Coli because they have the ability to grow in the rest of your body. One reason bowel bacteria are so hard to eradicate is that we are constantly reinfecting our-selves by keeping a supply on our hands and under our fingernails.
The second reason is that the bacteria are themselves infected by oncoviruses that give them protection from your WBC’s.

  • The first thing to do is improve sanitation. Use  70% (approx.) grain alcohol in a spray bottle at the bathroom sink. Or use Lugol’s iodine and dilute one drop per cup of water. Sterilize your hands after bathroom use and before meals by spraying or dipping them.
  • Second, take Lugol’s iodine solution, 6 drops in ½ cup of water 4 times daily. This is specifically for Salmonella, which is responsible for at least half of all bowel distress. You should only need to do this for 3 days, and stop once the bloating has gone. DO NOT TAKE IF YOU KNOW YOU ARE, OR MAY BE ALLERGIC TO IODINE! It could be fatal.
  • Third, use turmeric (2 capsules 3 times daily) This is the common spice which I find helps against Shigella, as well as E. coli. Expect orange colored stool. Increase to 6 capsules (1tsp.) 3 times daily for serious problems.
  • Fourth, use fennel (2 capsules 3 times daily). Take turmeric and fennel, one after the other and 1 minute after Lugol’s for fastest relief.
  • Fifth, take four digestive enzyme all together, any variety.(added note: take all together at dinner)
  • Sixth, take 1 tsp. Black Walnut tincture or 2 capsules freeze-dried Black Walnut, preferably at bedtime. (added note: take this the first night only – you should already be taking this once a week for the parasite maintenance cleanse)
  • Seventh, take 10 drops of HCL at 5% dilution in half a glass of water to kill Clostridium bacteria and take once per day at breakfast. Try to swallow quickly so as not to let it soak around your teeth. You can also add 2 drops to each serving of food, not exceeding 45 drops per day. This has the effect of sterilizing your food before you ingest it.
  • Finally, if you are constipated, take Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus Purshiana) an herb. Start with one capsule a day, use up to maximum on the label. Take extra magnesium (300mg magnesium oxide powder, 2 or 3 a day), and drink a cup of hot water (flavored is fine) upon rising in the morning. This will begin to regulate your elimination. Constipation is usually caused by Clostridium botulinum, which makes its own chemicals in your colon to inhibit neurotransmitters there. These are the normal driving force for intestinal movement. Use Betaine Hydrocholride capsules, 3 with each meal, to keep Clostridium out of your colon. Constipation can be caused by other bowel bacteria. Certain drugs, such as morphine or similar painkillers produce constipation as a side effect. You must work hard to ensure that you expel bowel contents at least once a day…if necessary with an enema.

With this powerful approach, even a bad bacterial problem should clear up in two days. If it doesn’t’ you are feeding them their special requirements. They all require special heavy metals
. This is like fanning flames. Test all your dishes and cookware for seeping heavy metals with a conductivity indicator. Throw out all stored food in your refrigerator, it may have bacteria. Eat ozonated or sonnicated food. Keep your own hands sanitary. Keep fingernails short. Do not put fingers in your mouth. Your tummy can feel flat, without gurgling, and your mood can be good.

Remember cancer is not the cause of your bowel problems. You ate polluted food and nurtured the bacteria. It may take all the remedies listed, afterwards, sanitize all your food, put HCl drops in all your food and eat out of non-seeping dishes

‘Afterward, you must continue to eat only sterile dairy products (heat to boiling to sterilize). Note that the Kidney Cleanse is often effective with bowel problems. Try it also. You will know you succeeded when your tummy is flat, there is not a single gurgle, and your mood improves’

(The Cure For All Cancers and The Prevention of all Cancers

Added Livingnetwork notes:

  • Although not specifically advised by Dr Clark it is well advised by colonic hydrotherapists that you add a good pro-biotic into the bowel program. Take them on rising on an empty stomach and then wait an hour before eating. 3 capsules per day (at least 45 billion units) for the duration of the cleanse and for one week afterward, or longer if desired. This will re-colonize the intestines with ‘good bacteria’ while you are killing the bad guys 🙂
  • It is absolutely essential that you are NOT constipated during this cleanse otherwise the incredible effects will not be felt. Ensure that you keep up the motility of your colon by preferably using magnesium oxide daily and the Cascara Sagrada herb if necessary, and consider using enemas to assist elimination or Colonic Irrigation if necessary.
  • COLONIC IRRIGATION may be where you need to start your cleansing process, since this is your major organ of elimination! It is a powerful procedure to regain health and often a first step to take for extremely ill people. Research the Tissue Cleanse by Dr Jensen for more information.
  • Remember: Always remember to re-populate your beneficial bacteria using PRO-BIOTICS following a Colonic, Liver flush or Bowel Cleanse.

Some bowel symptoms are:

  • Chronic gas and bloating.
  • Weakness of Lumbar and abdominal muscles. Poor activation and recurrent strains of Gluteus, Hamstrings, and Calf muscles, and Achilles tendons.
  • Sacral/Coccyx pain and Sacro-Iliac pain.
  • Irritability, and anxiousness.
  • Insomnia – parasites and bacteria produce ammonia. This is the same substance used in smelling salts to wake someone from being unconscious!
  • Respiratory problems – like snoring and sinus.
  • Chronic heaviness and lack of energy.
  • Depression, Alzheimer’s, migraines
  • Gastric reflux, heartburn