Foot, heel, toe pain

The Cure for All Diseases by Dr Hulda Clark

The Cure for All Diseases by Dr Hulda Clark

Foot pain
by Dr Hulda Clark

This kind of pain does not involve as much deposits as toe pain and is therefore easier to clear up. But trauma to the foot is more important. First, even though your shoes are comfortable, change them. Get wider shoes, longer shoes, lower heels. Alternate two pairs of shoes in a single day. In your home take shoes off.

Keep feet very warm. Wear natural fiber socks, not synthetics. If your circulation is poor, take a cayenne capsule with each meal. When circulation is moderately poor, your feet get cold easily. When circulation is very poor, the heart pulse cannot be felt in your feet (take your pulse just below your inner ankle). Again:

Check body pH
in the morning upon rising using NitrazineTM or other pH paper. Correct it as discussed in Toe Pain. If the urinary pH is 7 or higher, it means you have a bladder infection. Treat it immediately (page 53).

If there is any swelling around the foot or ankle, you are “holding water.” It may be called edema. This is due to poor adrenal and kidney function. The adrenals are located on top of the kidneys and together they regulate how much salt and water stays in your body. Because they are situated so close together, they share their parasites and pollution. When the kidneys form kidney crystals the flow through the kidney tubes is hindered, and less water and salt can leave the body. It stays in your tissues as edema.

Fig. 10 Your kidneys with the adrenal glands sitting like hats on top. The ureters lead to the bladder.

The kidney herb recipe will dissolve the crystals. But you must remove toxins such as metal from tooth fillings and kill parasites. Continue doing the Kidney Cleanse after the original six weeks is up until all foot pain and edema are gone. Continue killing your tiny invaders with a zapper twice a week. You may need to cleanse the liver several times, too, before all the pain and edema are gone.

The supplement, pantothenic acid (see Sources), is particularly good for feet. Take 500 mg three times a day for several weeks to see if it helps. Massage and reflexology are also good for them.

Heel Pain

Sometimes heel pain is due to heel spurs, sometimes it is not. Heel spurs are due to deposits. The usual heel deposits are uric acid and various phosphates. Uric acid deposits become a breeding ground for bacteria. The phosphates give the deposits a rigid structure that is hard to dissolve. You may have to choose a pain killer, get specially built “orthopedic” shoes, or stop your daily walks to get relief from the piercing pains. These will not cure the problem but may “buy you some time” while you make basic changes in your lifestyle.

Stop drinking tea and cocoa because they contain oxalic acid. Stop drinking coffee, decafs, fruit juice and soda pop because they are contaminated with solvents. All of these must be detoxified by your body and eliminated by your kidneys. We should spare the kidneys these extra tasks when we wish them to clean up heel spur deposits. You must first dissolve the deposits, then help the kidneys eliminate them.

To dissolve them, you alkalinize your body’s pH, watching over it carefully with pH paper or Nitrazine paper. To help kidneys eliminate them, use the Kidney Cleanse and drink lots of water. Only water, not a beverage, helps the kidneys to eliminate.

Drink a pint of water upon rising in the morning, and a pint of water between meals.

Do not buy “special” water. Use your cold tap water only. If you don’t like the taste of your own tap water, get it from some body else’s tap. Use only glass or reused polyethylene jugs. Polyethylene is opaque, not clear. It has already lost its plasticizer into the water that stood in it earlier. (Somebody drank it!) Purchased water has traces of solvents from machinery and sterilizing equipment used in its bottling. Your own tap water is not pure (indeed it may have 500 toxic elements), but it never contains solvents in amounts I can detect.

Traces of solvents are worse than traces of other toxins.

Water filters are not the solution. They trap the pollutants and then allow a tiny amount to enter the water on a daily basis. Chronic toxin consumption is much worse for your health than periodic surges of toxins. You can use a small filter, that gets changed every month without much risk. This would dechlorinate the water, at least, and improve the flavor. The pitcher variety (it should be made of hard, inflexible plastic) and the faucet variety are listed in Sources.

Bottled water is popular,
and tasty, and has appealing advertising, but it is just not safe.

Why is it easier for everyone to spend dollars per day, for the rest of their life, buying water instead of insisting that their water pipes are metal-free?

Another reason not to drink water from bottles, however convenient, is that it is stagnant and is soon contaminated with our own bacteria from contact with mouth or hands. Staphylococcus (Staph) and E. coli are commonly seen. The solution is not to add still more chemical disinfectants, the solution is to drink from a flowing source, such as our faucets. If you must carry water, use glass containers; plastic is porous and much more difficult to wash clean (sterilizing in a dishwasher is effective, though).

By drinking a total of four pints of water in a day, the kidneys will notice the assistance. (Any single herb tea without added salt or sweetener counts as water.) The urine will stop having any odor and will become very light colored. This is especially important while you are dissolving the heel deposits since your body is now carrying these in the circulation.

Killing bacteria with a zapper may give you instant pain relief and is, of course, beneficial to your body. But you can’t expect the pain to stay away until the deposits are gone and the source of bacteria is also removed. Go after the usual sources: teeth and stones. Another source is dairy food contaminated with Salmonella and Shigella bacteria. Sterilize all of it by boiling. Even the amount put on cereal in the morning or used in scrambled eggs is enough to reinfect you! Butter and heavy whipping cream also need boiling. Stop eating yogurt and cheese which can’t be boiled.

Phosphate deposits are a mixture of three phosphates: monocalcium phosphate (CaH2 PO4), dicalcium phosphate (Ca2H PO4) and tricalcium phosphate (Ca3 PO4). They are formed by eating too much (way too much) phosphate relative to calcium.

Our high phosphate foods are meats, carbonated beverages and grain products like rice, cereals, breads, pastas and nuts.

The body’s normal elimination tactic for phosphate is to combine it with calcium and magnesium in order to neutralize it first. Unneutralized phosphate is very acidic and would burn the delicate kidneys. But where shall the calcium and magnesium be taken from? Magnesium is often in very short supply since it comes from green vegetables in the diet and is not stored up in any special organ. So it falls on calcium to be used for this purpose since it is stored up (in your bones and teeth).

The acid condition created by phosphates dissolves your bones and allows large amounts of bone structure to be washed out with the urine: this can be directly seen with an analysis of urine (you can ask your doctor to order this at a lab). If you catch all the urine in a 24 hour period you can measure all the calcium you have wasted. You should not lose more than 150 mg calcium in a day because this is all you can absorb in a day![4] If you do lose more than 150 mg in a day, you are dissolving your bones at a fast clip. This also means there is too much calcium in your blood and lymph, from dissolving so much bone so quickly.

Once you have dissolved your bones it is not so easy to put the calcium back into them. Your body will try to put it back as soon as possible-as soon as your acid condition is gone. But your bones can’t do this without vitamin D. Vitamin D may “come from” sunshine and from vitamin D in milk but it isn’t that simple. Vitamin D must be activated by your kidneys before it can go to work! Remember, though, it was the kidneys that had a problem in the first place, allowing deposits to form! With old kidneys, clogged with crystals, hampered by heavy metal and mold toxins, and beleaguered by bacteria and parasites, is it any wonder that sunshine and vitamin D fortified milk don’t supply large amounts of activated vitamin D? It takes large amounts to put back into your bones the large amount of calcium that dissolved out during the acid state you put yourself in by over consuming phosphate food.

If you can’t put the calcium back into your bones promptly where is it to go? It may attach itself to tissues that were never meant to be used this way. Your arteries fill with “scale,” your kidneys form calcium phosphate crystals, heels form spurs, joints become knobby with deposits.

Young persons and children, with healthy unclogged kidneys, make-that is, activate-ample vitamin D, so even if they consume too much phosphate and develop an acid condition that dissolves their teeth and bones, they can put the dissolved calcium back in its proper place. They don’t develop hardened arteries, heel spurs, and knobby joints, at least not at first. Their bodies can take a considerable amount of abuse without showing it.

In general, people eat way too much phosphate. Meat eaters eat too much meat. Vegetarians eat too much grain. Most everyone drinks phosphated beverages. In this way we set the stage for hardened arteries, joint disease, calcified tissues that no longer have flexibility. We all get kidney crystals that become stones. This is aging. All these deposits invite bacteria to live in them and on them, creating pain.

Old age and pain go together as if they were true partners. Yet it is just the result of bad food choices.

Try to undo as much of this false aging as possible.

1.    Reduce your meat consumption. Switch to fish which supplies calcium in the tiny bones. It is true, these bones are made of calcium phosphate and one might expect, logically, to be getting a less effective calcium source. Logic isn’t necessarily biologically correct. The bones of fish work nicely as a calcium source and their phosphate content is not too great. Such a diet has worked for many primitive societies. Further, I have never seen a case of mercury toxicity from eating fish; amalgam tooth fillings are our truly significant source.

2.    Reduce your grain consumption. Instead of cereal for breakfast, add fruit and reduce the cereal to half. Cut bread consumption in half. Cut pasta consumption in half. Cut rice and corn consumption in half. Eat more bananas and other fruits. Eat more vegetables; always choose potato (not potato chips) instead of rice or macaroni. Always choose a leafy salad instead of pasta salad. At any restaurant or salad bar ask yourself: is this wheat, rice or corn? If so, choose potatoes or other vegetables. Choose coleslaw. Choose mixed fruit. You don’t need to go off the grains, only reduce them to improve your condition.

3.    Take vitamin D as a supplement. Nothing less than 40,000 units has any real impact by the time there are problems. This strength is available by prescription only (usually 50,000 units, which is close enough). To avoid getting a polluted product, ask your pharmacist to follow the recipe on page 288. (In the past some cases of poisoning by overdosing resulted in this regulation. If you overdose you will get joint and muscle pain and nausea but it is reversible.) Take one a day (not more), for the first three weeks, then two a week forever after.

4.    Finally, toss the carbonated beverages right out of your diet or make your own (see Recipes). It is not the carbonation that is harmful, it is the added phosphate. Drink water, herb teas, homemade fruit and vegetable juices, milk or buttermilk.

Milk, like fish, is full of calcium in the form of calcium phosphate. Again, logic might speak against the effectiveness of this form of calcium. Again, logic is wrong. Evidently, the calcium and phosphate story must be much more complex than I am depicting here.

Milk works best as a calcium source, in spite of its phosphate content. Possibly the lactose and other complexities of its composition contribute to this. My recommendation when deposits have formed anywhere in the body, such as heel, toe, arteries, joints, is to switch to milk as a beverage. Compare the calcium level of your urine before and after the switch (allowing several weeks first). Also compare calcium levels in your blood serum. It should move towards normal. This means up if it is too low (below 9.2). It means down if it is too high (10). If you are monitoring the effectiveness of the kidney herb recipe in dissolving away your phosphate crystals, notice that drinking milk keeps them from reforming. Taking calcium tablets does not! Taking nothing lets them reform the quickest.

The milk must be 2% or higher in butter fat to be effective.

With your body fluids at their proper acid level, with your kidneys able to flush out acids, with heavy metal toxins no longer settling in, with your bone-dissolving stopped, your heel deposits can shrink. Bacteria have no place to feed and breed. You can kill them several times more with your zapper to catch stragglers. And your heel pain becomes history. Be careful not to bruise the sensitive tissue with too much walking or running immediately after the pain is gone. Wear
cushioning socks and well cushioned shoes.

(The Cure for All Diseases pg.182-188 copyright)