
While the new sockets are being cleaned, any old infected sockets, called old cavitations should be cleaned out as well. Some cavitation sites are less obvious; they must be searched for by a knowledgeable dentist. Hidden cavitations, those that don’t show up on the x-ray, nor develop at former tooth sites, often clear up without surgery after this dental clean up.
These are not ordinary infected bone sites. They are primarily bioaccumulation sites. You can detect them easily by searching for mercury and other amalgam-related metals in the jawbone with the Dental Syncrometer® Probe. Here it finds dyes, acrylic acid and DAP from fillings, as well as silicones, tin, and strontium from toothpaste! Staphylococcus is there and if you feel pain Streptococcus is also there. The real reason for this bioaccumulation site is the presence of lanthanide elements that are abundant in amalgam and have drifted there. Wherever the lanthanides land, the white blood cells become “choked” with iron and calcium deposits. After this they stop “eating” any more toxins, ruining your immunity at this location. Healing is impossible here. They become pockets of mushy bone mixed with bacteria.
Even digital x-rays can scarcely picture these hidden bioaccumulation sites. Fortunately, many can be cleared without surgery, using a tooth zappicator. (The Prevention of All Cancers pg.343 copyright)
Dr Clark also has this to say:
‘Another way to clean out these hidden cavitations is with a DMSO mouthwash (see Recipes), although less reliable. In three to five days the entire toxic team of carcinogens (and Streptococcus) are seen to leave the jawbone.’ (The Cure for all Advanced Cancers pg. 91 copyright)
“DMSO, 25% in water. Take one tsp. as a mouthwash, twice daily. Swish slowly over gums. Hold several minutes. Swallow for maximum effectiveness. This “pushes” your supplements into your tissues. It also helps to draw toxins out of cavitations. You may add wintergreen drops to the mouthwash. 50% DMSO is preferred, if available. Must be edible quality.” (The Cure for all Advanced Cancers pg.198 copyright
)Livingnetwork comments:
Please note that DMSO is contraindicated by Andy Cutler’s oral chelation protocol and causes a lot of problems for mercury toxic people that are sulfur sensitive.
Cavitations can be located by a machine called the CAVITAT, which is basically an ultra-sound scan of the jaw bone to assess bone density. However, since they are present in upwards of 80% of previous extraction sites, all extraction sites should be checked if this is practically possible i.e. if you have not had too many extractions, such as more than ten. Cavitations CANNOT be seen routinely by x-ray and you should never rule out cavitations by a PAN x-ray alone. Rather have them checkout out surgically. It is an easy process that takes 20 minutes by a skilled surgeon. You must follow the dental aftercare program after this surgery.