Ordering a hair test
Hair samples are sent away for a Doctors Data Incorporated (DDI) – Hair Elements Test as recommended by Andy Cutler.
Examples of hair tests can be viewed on our hair test page.
Since only doctors can order this test directly from DDI Labs, the easiest and least expensive way to get a Hair Elements Test yourself is from:
- Holistic Health International – the hair test kit is sent to you, consisting of a small paper scale, collection bag and requisition form. A small amount of hair is needed (0.25 grams), and pubic hair can be used if you have repeatedly dyed or bleached your hair, although head hair is preferred. You will then post the envelope directly to DDI, and the results will be e-mailed to you.
- For further understanding, order Andy Cutler’s books at this time, and join one of the groups below, as you will learn a lot about chelation whilst you await your results.
- SOUTH AFRICANS, can contact:
- Mind Body health by Lynn Angel
Tel: 082 4409397
- Mind Body health by Lynn Angel
Once your hair test is returned to you by Direct Labs, you will need to post your hair test to one of the following resources for help in interpreting the test properly:
1. Join the Andy Cutler Chelation Think Tank on Facebook: This group is really simple to use and particularly helpful, since Andy Cutler himself answers many questions. You can upload a picture of your hair test and receive quick feedback from helpful members.
2. Join the Mercury Detoxification Support Forum (previously known as the FDC Yahoo group). This is a somewhat more complicated email forum, and you will receive many emails a day (although you can set it up to read online only to avoid excessive emails in your inbox).
3. For parents chelating children, join the Fight Autism and Win Yahoo group. There are many parents here eager to help.