Dental revision: how to do it
When contemplating undergoing full dental revision, here is some vital information for you:
Start by reading:
- the full dental clean-up as advised by Dr Hulda Clark
- about mercury amalgams and what they can do to your body, as advised by Dr Hal Huggins and
- frequent dose, oral chelation as advised by Dr Andy Cutler.
The key principles are to prepare your body and its detoxification pathways for the upcoming dental work.
See the “How to get well and stay well protocol“ for a comprehensive program explaining how to do this.
If you need to consider a shorter preparation, the bare minimum preparation is explained below.
- Order a DDI (Doctors Data Incorporated) hair test.
- Begin the general supplements in preparation for Andy Cutler’s Frequent Dose Chelation protocol (NOTE: chelation can only begin once all the mercury is removed. DO NOT attempt chelation beforehand e.g. no chlorella, no DMSA, no EDTA, no ALA, no challenge tests etc)
- Do a sulphur-restriction food test, to check if you are sensitive to mercury-mobilising sulphur foods.
- Check your adrenal and thyroid function, focusing on adding some adrenal support before dental work if you feel you can only do one thing e.g. add an Adrenal Cortex/Glandular product and check response.
- Undergo the full dental clean-up with a biological or other safe dentist, consisting of:
- Remove all mercury amalgam:
- Follow the clear mercury amalgam removal protocol as advised by Dr. Hal Huggins. If you are still questioning the value of removing them, educate yourself by purchasing his books.
- Educate yourself by reading what Dr Clark has to say about mercury amalgams.
- Remove all other metals, such as old crowns and metal dentures. You need to check underneath metal crowns in order to ensure that there is no mercury left
- Again, follow Dr Hal Huggins guidelines for safe metal/mercury removal.
- Only ‘crown’ previously crowned teeth. Avoid any new crowns and choose composite restorations instead (big fillings that function as crowns). Crowns gather infection underneath over time and often end up as root canals.
- Replace metal-containing dental work with metal-free dental materials:
- Extract root canals and clean old extraction sites (cavitation cleaning).
- Learn more about the toxic nature of root canals.
- Learn more about the toxic nature of cavitations (old unhealed extraction sites)
- Make sure you follow the ‘dental aftercare program‘ after the surgery. Do not neglect this step.
- Choose metal-free partial dentures to replace extracted teeth e.g. Flexite or Valplast
- Do not allow the dentist to bridge across your mid-line in the upper jaw.
- Ensure you have joined the Dental Chelation Yahoo group for free support throughout your dental work.
- Ensure you read the ‘What to do the day of a dental appointment” article before each dental visit.
- Remove all mercury amalgam:
6. Once your mercury has been removed follow the frequent dose oral chelation advice as advised by Dr Andy Cutler.
- Prepare yourself for 2-3 years of chelation.
- Ensure you have joined the Frequent Dose Chelation Yahoo group for free support throughout chelation.
7. Post dental work expectations:
- Prepare mentally for 3-month honeymoon period after removal consisting of improvement in health, followed by,
- a slump in health 9 months after removal, as your organs begin to dump mercury. This slump in health lessens and you improve as you continue to chelate
- Make certain you have purchased Andy Cutlers book, Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment for support and vital information while chelating
The “DO NOT” list:
- Do not begin the dental work without checking if your adrenals are strong enough to cope with the stress of dental work.
- Do not perform DMPS challenge test (or any other challenge test when a chelator is injected into you).
- Do not take any chelators (DMSA, ALA, EDTA, DMPS, cilantro/coriander) before all mercury is removed. After removal only take chelators according to their half life.
- Do not chelate with any other protocol than the frequent dose oral chelation protocol by Andy Cutler.
- Do not take mercury mobilizing substances at any stage during chelation or before (chlorella, cilantro/coriander)
- Never, ever do IV chelation.
- Do not remove amalgams or chelate if pregnant or breast-feeding.
Remember, you cannot expect your dentist to make these decisions for you. Some brave dentists have entered the world of biological dentistry, but even they can face unreasonable challenges from their peers and dental associations if they advise you to remove amalgams, clean cavitations and extract root canals.
This is your decision and your responsibility and not theirs. You will find once you have made this decision, a good dentist will support your process.
You must research the options yourself and give your informed consent for the procedures, and then choose the appropriate dentist that will carry out the techniques with experience and care.